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Sometimes it is reassuring to know that clichés are still true. IT employees who also spend a lot of time with computers after work: they exist and Nils is no exception.
“Multimedia is my thing. I’m not a gadget man, I prefer classic electronics: computers, televisions, telephones. My latest purchase is a new digital TV.”
What’s more, Nils is always up for a thrilling game. Apart from a laptop and a desktop computer with a powerful graphics card, intended for gaming, Nils has several games consoles. “I have an Xbox, a PlayStation and a Nintendo Switch. I used to play World of Warcraft a lot. I played it all day long: that was the biggest waste of time in my life. I used to switch on the computer as soon as I came home from school.”
These days Nils takes it easier. His favorite game at the moment is Farming Simulator. Think of a flight simulator, but a farming version: Nils tills fields and grows crops on a virtual tractor. “I go through life as a digital farmer.”

Bits and bytes

Nils’ love of bits and bytes began when he was ten, when his godfather gave him a computer as a present. His passion became his job, although it was not all plain sailing. “In secondary school I wanted to switch to IT, but my teachers advised against it. I studied commerce and my marks for IT were not brilliant. It was logical: the course was not about computers, you had to learn to type with ten fingers. I wanted to take computers apart and study the operating systems.”
In higher education, Nils enthusiastically embarked on a professional bachelor’s course in IT, but again he encountered an overly one-sided approach. “The first two years you had to learn how to program. It was not for me. I thought it was a waste of my parents’ money and I decided to find a job.” Before joining Mediabrands, Nils manned the help desk of an internet provider for five years. After that, he decided to follow some more training.
At Mediabrands, Nils takes care of all IT issues: from users who cannot open their Excel program to server management and network installation and maintenance. “I work with two colleagues, with whom I get along well. Minor questions or major problems: it doesn’t matter to me, I derive the same enjoyment from all my tasks. At first glance, IT may seem like an abstract job, but it’s very specific: you work closely with people. I find it satisfying to help people.”
Nils is also the point of contact for his friends and relatives when it comes to first aid for computers. He solves problems and advises on electronic purchases. He keeps a close eye on hardware innovations.  Yes, he’s a nerd, but it doesn’t bother him when people say that. “The word ‘nerd’ has long since ceased to be an insult.”

Cauliflower and macaroni

Nils is so easy-going to work with: he’s always in a good mood and willing to lend a hand. His role in the team has changed in recent years. “I used to stay in the background. I did what they asked of me and when someone spoke, I listened. I’ve changed in that respect: nowadays I’m more outspoken. Not that I consider myself a leader, but I offer much more input. I say what I think and advise my colleagues.”

superpower — provides friends and family members with first aid for computers

On the rare occasions that Nils is not working with computers or other electronics, you’ll find him in the kitchen. “I’ve just learned to cook. Not complicated dishes with dozens of ingredients, but homely dishes like cauliflower with cheese and macaroni. Simple things that make you smile.” Nils is happy when the people around him are happy. He’s a family man: nothing gives him more energy than knowing his loved ones are around. “I live in the house next to my grandparents and opposite my parents. We often visit each other, especially at weekends. On Sunday, we sit around the table with the whole family and enjoy a slice of cake.”

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